You know that there is an extra ordinary relationship between you and your dog but don’t you ever wondered that your dog may bit you?
It’s okay if your dog did this it’s not like he is turning to an aggressive dog or he want to heart you need to stay calm and think about the reasons that made him do this ,and  you feel like you need to find solution its logical but first you have to figure  out  you cause . The reasons that may make your dog bite you:
If your dog is a puppy and suddenly clamps down on your thumb, don’t worry. All puppies go through this phase, and it’s your perfect opportunity to correct the behavior so it diminishes in the future ,this behavior begins in puppyhood as young pooches start to explore their world and It’s natural behavior as they begin to teethe, they naturally need things to chew on, It can be cute at the beginning, but a puppy’s teeth are very sharp and they don’t know how hard they’re biting, so the puppy raising experience will generally include that one moment when Fido playfully bites down on a finger and draws blood.
Also what you should know that generally animals react with their instincts that means that if the animals felt Threaten it will come to you and attacks you or bits.
We all know for sure any mother is extremely protective of her babies. It is same for the dogs. So, the dog may try and intimidate anyone posing a potential threat if your dog have new born pups you should respect their space and let the mother dog deal with her litter until she’s ready to let them be around other people.
You really need to have a trusted relationship with your dog if your dog got scared of you or felt intimidated by you. you really going  to be in problem because it will happen more  often whenever your dog is feeling insecure, and anyone can be the target ,Your best trust-building exercise is walking together, provided that you are acting as a calm, assertive Pack Leader. This helps your dog get used to the idea that nothing bad is going to happen to her while you’re around and reinforces her trust in you.
When you start teaching your dog obedience you know that how match you love your doggy you are going to give him treats if he did well so it’s a bit risky because your dog will associate you with pleasant things, and so become far less likely to react with fearful aggression.
You know that sometimes your dog can react with aggression and that will happen when you try to take something he loves or his toy even food from him it means that your dog is  responding to you with dominance and defensiveness you need to correct it or it will be a  serious problem.
It’s not the end of the world if your dog bit you, you need to stay calm just stay calm and know that it is only a weak animal attempt to protect himself.
You know that there is an extra ordinary relationship between you and your dog but don’t you ever wondered that your dog may bit you?
It’s okay if your dog did this it’s not like he is turning to an aggressive dog or he want to heart you need to stay calm and think about the reasons that made him do this ,and  you feel like you need to find solution its logical but first you have to figure  out  you cause . The reasons that may make your dog bite you:
If your dog is a puppy and suddenly clamps down on your thumb, don’t worry. All puppies go through this phase, and it’s your perfect opportunity to correct the behavior so it diminishes in the future ,this behavior begins in puppyhood as young pooches start to explore their world and It’s natural behavior as they begin to teethe, they naturally need things to chew on, It can be cute at the beginning, but a puppy’s teeth are very sharp and they don’t know how hard they’re biting, so the puppy raising experience will generally include that one moment when Fido playfully bites down on a finger and draws blood.
Also what you should know that generally animals react with their instincts that means that if the animals felt Threaten it will come to you and attacks you or bits.
We all know for sure any mother is extremely protective of her babies. It is same for the dogs. So, the dog may try and intimidate anyone posing a potential threat if your dog have new born pups you should respect their space and let the mother dog deal with her litter until she’s ready to let them be around other people.
You really need to have a trusted relationship with your dog if your dog got scared of you or felt intimidated by you. you really going  to be in problem because it will happen more  often whenever your dog is feeling insecure, and anyone can be the target ,Your best trust-building exercise is walking together, provided that you are acting as a calm, assertive Pack Leader. This helps your dog get used to the idea that nothing bad is going to happen to her while you’re around and reinforces her trust in you.
When you start teaching your dog obedience you know that how match you love your doggy you are going to give him treats if he did well so it’s a bit risky because your dog will associate you with pleasant things, and so become far less likely to react with fearful aggression.
You know that sometimes your dog can react with aggression and that will happen when you try to take something he loves or his toy even food from him it means that your dog is  responding to you with dominance and defensiveness you need to correct it or it will be a  serious problem.
It’s not the end of the world if your dog bit you, you need to stay calm just stay calm and know that it is only a weak animal attempt to protect himself.