Pets give us so much joy during their lives. As we love and care for them, they too give us warmth and affection in return. We owe them so much for being our faithful friends and lifelong companions.
So when they finally pass away to the next world with their owners by their side, it’s both sorrowful and bittersweet — even though we are sorry to lose them, our pets know that they’ve lived a life well worth living.
This picture, posted by a Reddit user, perfectly captures the relationship between a human and his furry forever friend.
On his last ride to the vet, the cat Andrew puts his paw on top of his owner’s, comforting both of them in their grief. It’s as if Andrew is resolutely telling his best friend that it’s okay — it’s time for Andrew to pass on, and that he had a wonderful life in a loving family. Andrew can look back with satisfaction, his favorite people at his side to the end.
Abernha3 wrote, “Little Andrew was my junior. He was 15 and a half and loved everyone, but just got old and sick over the last year. He purred every day of his life and when he lost that, I knew it was time. Always sad to lose a friend. Sorry for everybody else’s losses as well.”
Losing a dear friend can be heart-wrenching, but we shouldn’t regret the good times that we have with our pets. The bonds that we forge with them — the memories, the sense of love and companionship — can never be forgotten.
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Pets give us so much joy during their lives. As we love and care for them, they too give us warmth and affection in return. We owe them so much for being our faithful friends and lifelong companions.
So when they finally pass away to the next world with their owners by their side, it’s both sorrowful and bittersweet — even though we are sorry to lose them, our pets know that they’ve lived a life well worth living.
This picture, posted by a Reddit user, perfectly captures the relationship between a human and his furry forever friend.
On his last ride to the vet, the cat Andrew puts his paw on top of his owner’s, comforting both of them in their grief. It’s as if Andrew is resolutely telling his best friend that it’s okay — it’s time for Andrew to pass on, and that he had a wonderful life in a loving family. Andrew can look back with satisfaction, his favorite people at his side to the end.
Abernha3 wrote, “Little Andrew was my junior. He was 15 and a half and loved everyone, but just got old and sick over the last year. He purred every day of his life and when he lost that, I knew it was time. Always sad to lose a friend. Sorry for everybody else’s losses as well.”
Losing a dear friend can be heart-wrenching, but we shouldn’t regret the good times that we have with our pets. The bonds that we forge with them — the memories, the sense of love and companionship — can never be forgotten.
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