One of the important stages you need to know about when your cat reach it is the heat cycle or what called estrus; it is difficult to control because it depends on many circumstances and factors but before that you need to know more about it and make the deference between the female and male cats estrus, we will tell you every thing about the cats heat so you need to pay attention and read carefully what we are going to deliver to you in this article.
  •  First: The difference between a male cat  and a female.

For the male heat cycle doesn’t have a specific period if the male cat if hi don’t have any disease and his health is good, the male is ready to mate once attainable even the length of the year, but activates the request for mating in the mating season and has many dates in the beginning of the last ten days of the month of February to mid-April and the second from the end of October until last November and sometimes males are active in July.
When a female cat goes into heat, it means that they are ready to have litters of kittens. If the cat mates while in heat and becomes pregnant, the pregnancy lasts 60 to 64 days on average before giving birth. If the cat mates and doesn’t get pregnant, it may take up to 30 days before the cat goes back in heat again. If a female cat isn’t spayed, the cycle continues in this vein until the cat has kittens. Generally this happens during mating season which often happens during the spring, but a cat may go into heat during any season. When in heat, female cats often become extra friendly toward people and other cats. They might rub against the legs of people or roll on the floor in front of them. They might weave in and out of the legs of visitors as well. Because female cats only ovulate when they mate, and they can mate more than once for multiple ovulations, more than one cat can sire a litter.
  •  Second: how often do cats enter heat cycles?

Cats are polyestrous breeders, meaning they can go through multiple heat periods in a year (and can have as many as five litters in that year). They can come into heat every two to three weeks, for seven to 10 days, beginning in early spring and winding down in late autumn as the hours of daylight decrease (a cat needs at least 12 hours of daylight for a normal cycle). If the cat does not mate, her body will continue repeating the heat cycle until she does, or until she is spayed
  • Third: what are the signs of the heat cycle?

For the male starts in the ((spray)) and often its starts urinating in the corners of the house a urine with a strong smell to attract the female  and if there was a female with him the urination may be slightly less.
For the female the subject is not easy at all, and is considered more educators from more Cat times nuisance where the female begins to piaulement to hear male and intensifies piaulement more the proposed marriage ((period of estrus)) also notes that the female does not sit only near the door of the apartment or the door of the house director and seize any opportunity to get out of the house Wallowing in the ground crane legs to the top, although some touches kind of jam on the bottom of her back makes them rise up crane their hind legs up and lifted her tail and it will stay play between the owner’s legs she  never tire of these movements until the mating happens  if not it will stay until the heat cycle finish .
  • Fourth :factors can make the cat heat happens :

It is difficult to know how often a cat will be in heat because it depends on different factors, such as the following:
-The cat’s weight, breed and genetics influence the frequency of the heat also the cat’s breed can play a big role in the estrus should know that shorthaired cats go into heat faster than long haired ones such as Persians.
Light and weather are also factors that have much to do with the reproductive stage as cats usually are in heat in warm periods where the days are longer .also daylight hours are a determining factor in the onset of estrus, so the more light there is, the more likely that the cat will go into heat
If they are in contact with other female cats which are in heat they produce pheromones that can induce heat in other cats.
The cat must be well nourished. If it’s underweight for its age, it will possibly take longer to have its first heat.
  •  Finally: What can I do if my cat comes into heat?

Keep her indoors and away from any entire male cats and book an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as possible .If she does get out and mate, it is not too late. She can still be desired. Speak to your veterinarian about this. Or there is another thing to do is you can spay your cat as early as 8 weeks of age, but check with your veterinarian. If a cat is already in heat, some vets may wait until the cycle is over before performing the spay.

Everything you want to know about the cats heat

One of the important stages you need to know about when your cat reach it is the heat cycle or what called estrus; it is difficult to control because it depends on many circumstances and factors but before that you need to know more about it and make the deference between the female and male cats estrus, we will tell you every thing about the cats heat so you need to pay attention and read carefully what we are going to deliver to you in this article.
  •  First: The difference between a male cat  and a female.

For the male heat cycle doesn’t have a specific period if the male cat if hi don’t have any disease and his health is good, the male is ready to mate once attainable even the length of the year, but activates the request for mating in the mating season and has many dates in the beginning of the last ten days of the month of February to mid-April and the second from the end of October until last November and sometimes males are active in July.
When a female cat goes into heat, it means that they are ready to have litters of kittens. If the cat mates while in heat and becomes pregnant, the pregnancy lasts 60 to 64 days on average before giving birth. If the cat mates and doesn’t get pregnant, it may take up to 30 days before the cat goes back in heat again. If a female cat isn’t spayed, the cycle continues in this vein until the cat has kittens. Generally this happens during mating season which often happens during the spring, but a cat may go into heat during any season. When in heat, female cats often become extra friendly toward people and other cats. They might rub against the legs of people or roll on the floor in front of them. They might weave in and out of the legs of visitors as well. Because female cats only ovulate when they mate, and they can mate more than once for multiple ovulations, more than one cat can sire a litter.
  •  Second: how often do cats enter heat cycles?

Cats are polyestrous breeders, meaning they can go through multiple heat periods in a year (and can have as many as five litters in that year). They can come into heat every two to three weeks, for seven to 10 days, beginning in early spring and winding down in late autumn as the hours of daylight decrease (a cat needs at least 12 hours of daylight for a normal cycle). If the cat does not mate, her body will continue repeating the heat cycle until she does, or until she is spayed
  • Third: what are the signs of the heat cycle?

For the male starts in the ((spray)) and often its starts urinating in the corners of the house a urine with a strong smell to attract the female  and if there was a female with him the urination may be slightly less.
For the female the subject is not easy at all, and is considered more educators from more Cat times nuisance where the female begins to piaulement to hear male and intensifies piaulement more the proposed marriage ((period of estrus)) also notes that the female does not sit only near the door of the apartment or the door of the house director and seize any opportunity to get out of the house Wallowing in the ground crane legs to the top, although some touches kind of jam on the bottom of her back makes them rise up crane their hind legs up and lifted her tail and it will stay play between the owner’s legs she  never tire of these movements until the mating happens  if not it will stay until the heat cycle finish .
  • Fourth :factors can make the cat heat happens :

It is difficult to know how often a cat will be in heat because it depends on different factors, such as the following:
-The cat’s weight, breed and genetics influence the frequency of the heat also the cat’s breed can play a big role in the estrus should know that shorthaired cats go into heat faster than long haired ones such as Persians.
Light and weather are also factors that have much to do with the reproductive stage as cats usually are in heat in warm periods where the days are longer .also daylight hours are a determining factor in the onset of estrus, so the more light there is, the more likely that the cat will go into heat
If they are in contact with other female cats which are in heat they produce pheromones that can induce heat in other cats.
The cat must be well nourished. If it’s underweight for its age, it will possibly take longer to have its first heat.
  •  Finally: What can I do if my cat comes into heat?

Keep her indoors and away from any entire male cats and book an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as possible .If she does get out and mate, it is not too late. She can still be desired. Speak to your veterinarian about this. Or there is another thing to do is you can spay your cat as early as 8 weeks of age, but check with your veterinarian. If a cat is already in heat, some vets may wait until the cycle is over before performing the spay.